Saturday 8 January 2011

Merry January


Now that the double-barrelled nuiscance of Christmas and New Year are well out the way, we can settle nicely into the January depression. Huzzah!

spectre-wise, it's a subtle start to the year, with a few real-life, grown-up things to sort out before we tackle 2011 head first in the groin.

So, news. Well, firstly the things what I got for Christmas: Some pants, A thing for wiping the windscreen on your car, a can of deodorant.

The things what I DIDNT get for Christmas: Midsomer Murders on Blu Ray, Turtles Skateboard, Dennis Waterman autobiography. A strongly worded letter is already on it's way to the North Pole.

In lesser important, non-me related news, Andrew Duttford set sail for the new world this week, founding a colony in Bristol, setting up a frontier outpost, Fort Spectre. Joseph is soon to join him and then myself over the next few weeks. Exciting times. Man.

Spectre Heights is rather quiet and a little empty now, with just Barry Curtains and myself in the house. We await fresh meat. And miss Sky Sports. Damn Adrian taking his own bought-and-paid-for Sky away from us. I'll never forgive him for denying me the (crucial) last two days of the final test.

Anyway, some good things to look forward to:

1. New British Sea Power album

2. Spectres first gig of the year 22nd Jan with our good friend Scott's new band...

3. Everton's inevitable inspiring FA Cup run

4. Bristol mega awesome moving times

How about that then? Yeah, I thought so. Anyway, that's enough for now.

D P F out.

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